Bowling Greens
As you know the greens have been open for limited use Monday evenings and all day Thursdays from the 24th February. Following a recent conversation with our green keeper I am pleased to say that both greens can be reopened from the 15th March subject to the usual caveat regarding weather conditions. The greens will initially not be cut too short. Also they will be closed again at short notice at a suitable time in April to allow for the application of fertilizer granules which will need to be washed in before play can resume. I do hope members find the greens to their satisfaction and an enjoyable season is had by all.
- Written by: Peter England
- Hits: 0
Greens Update
Just to let you know that the Greens are recovering well over the winter period and will shortly be having their first cut of the year.
The Greens have been well treated during this period as they have been aerated (unfortunately just to a small depth but better than nothing) top dressed, over-seeded, fertilized and treated with weedkiller etc and I am hoping the surface will be even better this season.
The green keeper has requested we rest them as long as possible, as a result the Top green only will open for limited use on Monday evenings from the 24th February and can also be used as previously on Thursdays only.
Please note that the Greens must not be used if there is any frost also if they are excessively wet (ie if pushing your foot on the surface water oozes up)
The greens may be closed again at short notice as further treatments fertilizer etc is required as weather permits. It is hoped that both Greens can be opened shortly after mid March to be advised...
As last year I would appreciate any help with the watering system during the season which is required from time to time depended on weather and any treatments used during the season.
- Written by: Peter England
- Hits: 33
The 50-Club
The 50-Club's year has just come to an end. This year we gave away £1380 in prize money and the same amount to the club. The money from the last two years has gone towards the cost of the new shelter and the refurbishment of the snooker room. Two worthy causes I think you will agree. If you are not in the 50-club and would like further information then please contact me:
Thank you for your support.
- Written by: Jane Smith
- Hits: 36