If you are interested in joining us and would like to know more about what we offer, please feel free to contact us directly. We will be happy to meet you and show you around. You can write to the Secretary at the Club’s postal address or send us an email: click here. We offer top quality sporting facilities in both bowls and snooker. For the social member, the club provides a wonderful backdrop through long summer days and a cosy retreat during the winter months.

Our membership subscription is due annually and constitutes good value for the amenities we provide. Younger members benefit from generously discounted rates. Categories of Membership are: Full Member, Social Member and Young Adult Member (under 25 years). Upon joining, full members are provided with keys to access the building and equipment between the hours of 9.00 am and 11.00 pm. You may have free use of bowling, snooker and croquet facilities between these times, except when league matches and competitions are being played.

Bar Social Members:
You may have access to the building during bar opening hours. You may play bowls and snooker up to 6 times a year, provided you are signed in by a full member and pay a small charge (£2 per session in 2023).

Rules:  All members are bound by the NEBC rules.

Costs per year for membership (2023 prices):

Individual Full Membership: £170. Introductory offer, for first year only: £120
Bar Social Membership: £36
Young Adult Membership (under 25 years): £24

Guests of full members may play bowls and snooker up to 6 times a year, provided they are signed in by a full member and pay a small charge (£2 per session in 2023). Guests wanting to play more often may apply to join the Club. Whilst attending as a guest, they may use the lounge facilities free of charge.

Membership Application Forms:
If you would like to join us, please complete and sign a Membership Application Form. See the link at the end of this article to either preview the form whereupon you can either print or download a copy to your device.

Completed forms may be returned to the bar staff during bar opening hours or posted for the attention of The Secretary, Nether Edge Bowling Club, 8 Nether Edge Road, Sheffield S7 1RU. Alternatively, you can email an electronic copy to the secretary.

The Club will contact you to arrange an induction meeting with two members of the Committee. At this meeting, you will be provided with information about the Club and its activities, be offered a tour of the clubhouse and have the opportunity to ask questions. You will also be handed a copy of the Club’s Code of Conduct and you will be asked to agree that you will abide by the Code if your application is accepted and approved by the full Committee.

We look forward to meeting you.

View/Download Application Form                   Click here to apply online